This post previously appeared on July 26, 2016, on MediaPost. Facebook is experimenting with a number of video features in the test version of its Android app that enhance the mobile viewing experience. New features — like a dedicated video tab and subscription-based video channels — are aiming to make video a more integral componentRead more “New Facebook Mobile Video Features Turn Up Heat On YouTube”
Tag Archives: Android
Who doesn’t love CHANEL No. 5 & Netflix? YOUTUBE VIDEO ANALYSIS
You’ve heard of CHANEL No. 5, yes? Perhaps that’s because this luxury brand is doing all the right things when it comes to marketing (and YouTube video). This week, our Branded YouTube Videos of the Week series continues this week with five new Pixability video picks. Pixability is full of YouTube-Certified experts who know theRead more “Who doesn’t love CHANEL No. 5 & Netflix? YOUTUBE VIDEO ANALYSIS”
Google I/O 2014: Google wants to own the living room. And your wrist.
If you still think of Google as primarily a search engine company, you’re missing most of the story. The search giant now provides products and technology components for most aspects of our digital lives, not least for the consumption of video. This became clear to the attendees of I/O, Google’s annual developer conference that tookRead more “Google I/O 2014: Google wants to own the living room. And your wrist.”
Google Is Missing Out On Its Biggest Social Media Opportunity
Google is waging a war against Facebook and it’s losing. Ironically, it’s not even using its most important secret weapon in this crucial fight so far. Google+, Google’s third attempt at building a social network, is now almost 9 months old. It’s safe to say that it’s not a runaway success, despite all the moneyRead more “Google Is Missing Out On Its Biggest Social Media Opportunity”