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Introducing GenAI Contextual Segments for YouTube advertising

Amazon Fire TV Advertising + YouTube: A Match Made In Heaven For Independent Agencies

Connected TV viewing is through the roof YouTube and Amazon Fire TV ad strategies complement each other perfectly Independent agencies can gain first-mover advantage by bringing their YouTube strategies to Amazon, and leverage the deep retail insights and strong viewership on Fire TV screens As someone who recently led growth for an independent agency, andRead more “Amazon Fire TV Advertising + YouTube: A Match Made In Heaven For Independent Agencies”

The Latest Updates From YouTube: Brand Fans & Mastheads

Each month, we take a deep dive into major video platforms to uncover the latest updates and changes that matter to marketers. This month, we’re focusing on YouTube, as the platform is launching a slate of updates for both advertisers and viewers that marketers need to know. There’s a lot happening at YouTube. Starting Q4Read more “The Latest Updates From YouTube: Brand Fans & Mastheads”

3 Things I Heard From Brand Marketers At Masterclass Atlanta

If you’re a digital marketer for a brand and you haven’t checked out a Digital Marketing Masterclass from Masterclassing, I highly recommend them. The folks at Masterclassing get 30-40 brand marketers from a given region in a room for breakfast, and then have 4-5 sponsors who each give a 10-minute pitch of sorts, explaining howRead more “3 Things I Heard From Brand Marketers At Masterclass Atlanta”

Prost! Boston’s Media Scene Takes Over Night Shift Lovejoy Wharf for Oktoberfest

As we head directly into Q4, the digital media busy season is upon us. To celebrate the changing season, and for a quick breather before jumping into Q4, Pixability took over the newly-launched Night Shift Brewery Lovejoy Wharf for Oktoberfest, and invited media folks from across Boston. Despite the weather threatening to wash away theRead more “Prost! Boston’s Media Scene Takes Over Night Shift Lovejoy Wharf for Oktoberfest”

Here’s the latest video advertising capability updates from YouTube, Facebook, and Amazon

As more and more viewers turn to video platforms, these platforms are racing to deliver the best viewing and advertiser experiences — and rolling out new targeting strategies, ad products, and features to beat the competition. Our analysts are always on top of changes across the dominant video platforms — here’s the latest updates thatRead more “Here’s the latest video advertising capability updates from YouTube, Facebook, and Amazon”

How Pixability Uses Retargeting Strategies To Engage Our Clients’ Audiences

Have you ever seen an ad that feels very relevant to you? Maybe too relevant? That may be remarketing at work. By implementing a pixel on a site, marketers can analyze the different channels and paths that users are taking to the site. Then, they’re able to segment this audience based on which pages theyRead more “How Pixability Uses Retargeting Strategies To Engage Our Clients’ Audiences”

Building Your Brand’s YouTube Channel — Takeaways from our webinar with PUMA

YouTube is obviously a huge channel for marketers. It’s the #2 search engine in the world, second only to Google itself, and it averages over 1B daily views on mobile devices alone. Given this massive — and growing — audience that’s engaging with YouTube video content, how can marketers put their best foot forward to buildRead more “Building Your Brand’s YouTube Channel — Takeaways from our webinar with PUMA”

Announcing PixabilityONE: The industry’s first solution that unites video wherever it’s watched

Today is an exciting day for all of us at Pixability as we announce the immediate availability of PixabilityONE. We built PixabilityONE to solve the biggest challenges in the market around running video advertising campaigns on the top platforms of YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Amazon, and other Connected TV platforms. These platforms will represent over 75%Read more “Announcing PixabilityONE: The industry’s first solution that unites video wherever it’s watched”

What QSR Videos Do Audiences Crave On YouTube?

Fast food fanatics are flocking to YouTube and other digital video platforms to watch and share videos around their favorite quick-service restaurant brands. But what kind of QSR videos are these audiences looking to engage with? In Pixability’s latest study on the QSR space, we sought to understand how audiences are engaging with QSR contentRead more “What QSR Videos Do Audiences Crave On YouTube?”

Video Ad Platform Update: New YouTube Bumper Machine, Deep Purchase Insights on Amazon

Digital video powerhouses are in a constant race to offer the most innovative solutions for marketers — but it can be difficult to keep up with the pace of change. To help marketers stay on top of the latest news, we’ve compiled the updates from major video platforms that marketers need to know: YouTube: NewRead more “Video Ad Platform Update: New YouTube Bumper Machine, Deep Purchase Insights on Amazon”